We Are Stardust
November 2024
We Are Stardust addresses notions of interconnectedness, romanticism, transience, and eternality. From scientists like Carl Sagan and Neil Degrasse Tyson to artists like David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, and Hoagy Carmichael, stardust has been used to literally and figuratively describe the human condition. Painting attempts to encapsulate these concepts through the use of basic materials: medium, surface, and brush; and it is simply magical to witness the diversity of work that emerges from them, much in the same way that every being created from stardust can be so different. We Are Stardust showcases the stellar work of nine painters that have established an artistic style that is both ethereal and substantive.
Featured Artists

September 2024
Berisford: A Collection Of Paintings By A Londoner In California offers a captivating exploration of Americana through the lens of an outsider with a deep appreciation for his adopted country. His dynamic mix of pop culture and abstract work blend vivid colors with bold compositions to evoke nostalgia, modernism, and a fresh perspective on American life.
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Vibes And Stuff
August 2024
A group exhibition and collaboration featuring artists Greg Pnut Galinsky, Aambr Newsome, Matthew Floriani, David Polka, TC Moore, Chaves Smith, Tyrell LaRon, Cutty Kitana, Reggie Warlock, and Dara Lorenzo. This is the third edition of Vibes And Stuff, an art show with a musical twist curated by L’Roneous that has also been held in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Oakland.

The Streets Of San Francisco
March 2024
The Streets Of San Francisco portrays cityscapes that have inspired locals and tourists, through the eyes of four urban luminaries: Anthony Holdsworth, Beryl Landau, Nathan “Nate1” Tan, and Sirron Norris. Their individual perspectives and styles pay homage to the streets, hills, skies, and architecture that provide the setting for the unique culture created here.
Featured Artists

Sleight Of Hand
November 2023
Sleight Of Hand investigates perceptions of reality via surrealism and trompe-l'oeil painting by three artists who use a combination of craft and imagination to create visual tricks on the viewer's mind. They juxtapose seemingly ordinary things with elements of the extraordinary, harkening thought about what is real, imagined, and induced. Reza Alhosseini critiques media as fabricating reality, while J.L. King and Monty Guy use the medium of painting to create alternative reality.
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