Joshua Lawyer

Hold Me Down (1) (2017)

Joshua Lawyer is a self-taught artist with a background in painting on walls that didn’t belong to him yet offered him a place to escape to when his world was too chaotic. Determined to become a good artist, he realized he needed to hone his skills in sketchbooks, a habit he still practices daily. Lawyer shifted from graffiti to fine art once the legal fees and his painting acumen reached a new level. His work uses the female figure, symbols and other tools to develop a narratives about "Finding Home" and "Getting Lost". Born and raised in the Bay Area, Lawyer still lives and works there.

5 Past Shows

Nocturnal Diversions

Nocturnal Diversions

November 2021

Affordable Art Series

Affordable Art Series

December 2014

Polyptych Tales

Polyptych Tales

November 2013

3 Videos